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New Student Section at Athens State University

May 16, 2023
Athens State Student Section Officers_2023

Athens (AL) State University is home to our newest student section. Part of our North Alabama Chapter, the section's formation reflects the growth in the school's Occupational Health and Safety Management program, which currently has more than 40 students. As enrollment grew, Faculty Advisor John Wells Jr., Ed.D., CSP, CMIOSH, identified the need for a student section and started recruiting officers and members in 2022.

The section has established two key goals as it launches: 1) Develop a strong rapport with ASSP and 2) secure potential career avenues for the program's graduates.

"The program is a two-year finishing program," Wells explains. "This allows us to focus even more on preparing our students for graduation and the potential for career growth with our regional, state and national partners."

The university’s B.S. in Occupational Health and Safety Management has been approved as a Graduate Safety Practitioner® Qualified Academic Program by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.


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