In This Section

Society Operating Guidelines

About ASSP

Our Society Operating Guidelines describe in detail the manner in which American Society of Safety Professionals is structured and governed. They are intended to accompany and be consistent with ASSP bylaws.

Section 8.3: Region Assessments

I. Purpose and Scope

Regions have the primary purpose to assist ASSP in administering its affairs. Regional assessments may be implemented, by the Region, to support the region to execute on its purpose. To ensure consistency, timeliness and accounting principles of region assessments, regions will follow this standard guideline for the assessment approval and headquarters processing of the assessments.

II. Fund Use

All region funds shall be used to further the professional development of ASSP members, for scholarships and to conduct the business of the ROC as directed by the region vice president and approved by the ROC.

III. Region Assessment Approval Procedure

Upon determination by the ROC that a region assessment is needed, the ROC determines the amount of assessment. The ROC shall make and approve an appropriate motion. The ROC may make the motion at a meeting, via conference call or by ballots; approval requires a simple majority vote of ballots received.

The region assessment will be on an annual basis whereby each chapter in the region shall be assessed a set amount per dues-paying member (excluding student, emeritus and honorary members). The region vice president or region treasurer shall provide documentation of changes to the approved region assessment rate for the next fiscal year to ASSP headquarters by March 1.

The region assessment amount is set in the financial software system at ASSP headquarters at the same time the chapter dues rates are set in the system, once annually, on March 1. If changes are not received by March 1, the region assessment rate from the current fiscal year will be used for the next fiscal year that begins on April 1.

IV. ASSP Financial Processing Procedure

Chapters will have assessment deductions applied to the chapter monthly dues deposits beginning April 1 and ending March 31.

These deductions will be applied when a member renews and/or joins ASSP. The funds will be transferred to the region's treasury account on a quarterly basis. Society headquarters staff will provide a quarterly statement of assessments.

Approved By | Date: Board of Directors | 1/2023
Replaces Edition Dated: 12/2019
Next Revision Due: 1/2026

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