In This Section

Outstanding Student Section Award



The American Society of Safety Professionals proudly recognizes the achievements of our student sections, member communities specifically for students aspiring to be safety professionals.

What Is the Outstanding Student Section Award?

What Is the Outstanding Student Section Award

The Outstanding Student Section Award recognizes and encourages the activities of established ASSP student sections at colleges and universities, honoring those sections that make the most significant contributions toward advancing safety education and research.

See our past recipients

Honoree Benefits

ASSP presents a $5,000 stipend to the student section's school in honor of this award. Student sections that meet the annual minimum criteria but do not win this award will receive $500. Second and third place honorees will be acknowledged with a certificate.

Application Requirements

ASSP student sections applying for this award must meet the following minimum criteria to be eligible for the award. They must:

  • Provide evidence of how you communicate within and outside your student section through newsletters or communication platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Provide at least two examples of collaboration your student section has had with your Parent Chapter.
    Note:  A letter of endorsement MUST BE provided by your Parent Chapter supporting this collaboration.
  • Conduct at least six meetings per year, with four presenting technical content. This includes virtual meetings you are continuing to hold while away from campus or working virtually.
  • Receive faculty advisor endorsement.

Beyond meeting these minimum criteria, ASSP evaluates student sections applying for the award based on educational activities, student-section-sponsored research and application, community and campus involvement, recognition, member participation and endorsement.

If your student section is unable to meet specific minimum criteria, please explain why in your award submission under the specific criteria listed with an explanation..

Submission Guidelines

Due Date: April 1

To apply for this award, your ASSP student section must meet the minimum criteria and include evidence for each minimum requirement in the award application. Your section must:

  • Complete the application.
  • Clearly and fully document how your section has met the minimum criteria. Not providing this evidence will disqualify the application.

Submit the application through the Student Section Support Tool (3ST) (See below for more information).


Submit the application as a single PDF to ASSP's Student Services by April 1. Late submissions are not accepted.

Student Section Support Tool Information

The Council on Region Affairs has developed the Student Section Support Tool (3ST) to help student sections plan and report their annual activities, while helping exceptional sections to track their progress toward qualifying for the Outstanding Student Section Award.

To submit your application through the tool:

  • Please access the tool here.
  • When completing the survey, you are able to save and continue your work later by clicking on the gray box located at the top of the first page of the survey. You will be emailed a special link after entering your email address in the tool.
  • If your student section clicks the submit button before you are ready, please email us at and we will provide instructions on updating your submission.
  • You can provide feedback regarding this tool by completing feedback survey, or you can email any comments or concerns to

We know the landscape is changing for our student members as universities increase their online programs and many students are juggling school, work and family life. Your ASSP student section plays an important role in connecting students with great resources and practicing safety professionals to support students through the transition to the workplace.


Review recent winning applications to guide your submission

  • 2023-24: Millersville University
  • 2022-23: Indiana University Pennsylvania
  • 2021-22: Millersville University
  • 2020-21: Slippery Rock University
  • 2019-20: Murray State University
  • 2018-19: Illinois State University
  • 2017-18: Indiana University Bloomington
  • 2016-17: Illinois State University
  • 2015-16: Indiana University Bloomington
  • 2014-15: Murray State University

Other Questions?

Please contact ASSP’s Student Services.

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