2024 Thomas F. Bresnahan Standards Medal
Thomas G. Bobick, Ph.D., P.E., CSP, CPE
Bobick and Associates Consulting

ASSP Honors Bobick for Work on Safety Standards
What Is the Thomas F. Bresnahan Standards Medal
ASSP is a leader in the evolution of voluntary occupational safety and health standards that reflect recognized best practices, both in the United States and internationally. As such, we recognize individuals who work to develop those standards on ASSP’s behalf.
This award is named in honor of Thomas Bresnahan, a former ASSP staff member and ASSE Society Fellow who reinvigorated ASSP's standards development program and helped position the organization for future growth in this strategic area.
Honoree Benefits
Recipients are also recognized in ASSP publications, which leads to greater recognition within industry as well as wider recognition from the individual’s employer and within the broad OSH profession.
Nominee Requirements
All ASSP members who are active in developing voluntary consensus standards are eligible to receive this award.