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Hispanic Safety Professional Mentorship Program


Join our Hispanic Safety Professionals member community to connect with like-minded safety professionals, support the unique needs of the Hispanic safety professional and advocate for Hispanic/Latino worker safety.

Guidelines for HSP Mentors and Mentees

  • You must be a member of ASSP and HSP to participate in this program
  • We hold all information exchanged between matched pairs for mentoring in strict confidence; applications are viewed only by the matching committee
  • Mentors and mentees should commit to at least one hour per month for meeting, by phone, e-mail or in person
  • Teams will be matched for six months with an option to extend another six more months if both parties agree
  • Mentors are not expected to provide employment or business opportunities for mentees — just life lessons, advice, coaching and mentoring>

Application form for mentors and mentees


The HSP Mentoring Program will assist Mentees by proving various options to better match pairs for mentoring to align with the flowing paths:

  • Maestro Tecnico (Technical)
    Goal: Provides a roadmap to success to bridge the field experience gap.
  • Maestro Académico (Academic)
    Goal: Provide a roadmap to success from any safety related colleges/universities and safety certifications.
  • Maestro de Liderazgo (Leadership)
    Goal: Provides a road to success to bridge the soft skills gap.


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