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Emerging Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group


Join our Emerging Professionals in Occupational Safety and Health member community to connect with the next generation of safety professionals.

Young Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group -01Who We Are

The Emerging Professionals in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Common Interest Group is dedicated to investing in the future of ASSP and the safety profession by identifying, connecting and developing leaders who are just entering the field or approaching mid-career.

All ASSP members are invited and encouraged to join our Emerging Professionals in OSH group. By becoming part of our community, you will have the opportunity to learn more about people you work with but may not share a background with; build your knowledge and ability to be an ally and a more inclusive safety leader; and gain insight and understanding from different perspectives so you can improve your practice of safety.

What We Do

Our Emerging Professionals member community provides countless opportunities for members to connect with great resources and great people while learning the skills it takes to be a great safety leader.

  • We provide a unique lens into the future of the safety profession by engaging students and entry-level to mid-career safety professionals within ASSP
  • With approximately 4,000 members, Emerging Professionals provides a vast and supportive community for networking, collaboration and change-making
  • Local, national and virtual networking and collaboration opportunities abound, bringing together members to advocate on OSH

Common Interest Group Recognition


Why It Matters

The OSH industry and its leaders should be as diverse as all the different businesses and employees served. Workers are more likely to respond to safety initiatives that are spurred by people to whom they can relate and trust. Having diverse safety professionals helps ensure this. Through your involvement with this group you will gain the knowledge, skills and abilities you need to be successful safety professionals.

Emerging Professionals Mentor Program

We connect rising OSH professionals within the Emerging Professionals community with experienced professionals to help sustain the future of the profession; create lifelong relationships among members; and enhance mentees’ leadership skills and business acumen. 

Access our guidelines and application

Join Today!

ASSP members: Log in to your ASSP account to upgrade your membership.

Non-members: Join ASSP and your desired common interest groups at the same time.

Leadership Opportunities 

Go beyond belonging to Emerging Professionals and volunteer for a position on our Advisory Committee. Or consider running to be elected as assistant administrator, which after two years leads to the office of administrator. As a volunteer leader, you can lend your time and expertise to our many initiatives while developing transferable leadership and team-building skills. Leadership positions within ASSP help members reach their highest level of performance, both on the job and in the Society.

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