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Culbertson Volunteer Service Award


Nominated by members of our Board of Directors, recipients of this award have shown special achievement and outstanding service to the American Society of Safety Professionals.

What Is the Culbertson Award

The Charles V. Culbertson Outstanding Volunteer Service Award provides special recognition for outstanding service to ASSP at the Society level. Not only does this award offer recipients the recognition they deserve, but it also encourages others to set high goals for their involvement within ASSP.

Meet our past recipients

Honoree Benefits

Recipients receive a commemorative award and are recognized in our publications. This can lead to wider recognition within your community and organization, and within the broad OSH profession.

Nominee Requirements

All ASSP committee members, practice specialty and common interest group officers and elected officers are eligible, except the president, president-elect, senior vice president and past presidents. Candidates must fulfill only one of the following criteria:

  • Their services and activities led to measurable, significant, positive and recognizable accomplishments
  • Their services and activities led to significant development or improvement of an ASSP activity or unit

These activities must have occurred in the previous 12-month period (prior to March)

Submission Process

Deadline: March 31

Nominations are made by the board member responsible for the functional area in which the candidate works. Any ASSP member wishing to recommend themselves or another qualified member should complete a petition form for consideration.

Submit a Nomination

Other Questions?

Please contact ASSP’s Award & Recognition staff.

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