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  • Region II Area B


David E Tolbert, CSP


With safety running as a common thread throughout his personal and professional life, Dave likes to think safety and safety leadership are in his DNA. Early in his career, Dave was tapped to organize and run various safety committees in addition to his job responsibilities as an electrical designer in the power industry. Earning several safety awards for his activities at work, Dave was also rewarded for his safety leadership as a ski patroller with the National Ski Patrol (NSP). He was awarded the NSP yellow star for his individual lifesaving efforts on two separate occasions. Additionally, Dave provided leadership as a volunteer firefighter in his hometown for several years obtaining firefighter II status. In recognition of his safety efforts at work, Dave was promoted to senior risk manager and then corporate safety director. There he grew his knowledge in the corporate risk, risk financing, and safety arenas, impacting a greater audience with his program knowledge and caring philosophy. Capitalizing on this experience Dave is now a regional safety director for a nationwide mechanical company providing safety support for operating companies across the country. He approaches his role with empathy and an altruistic philosophy. His experience and industry knowledge will aid him immensely as he pursues executive leadership positions within the safety industry.

Platform Statement

As a dedicated professional in the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) field, my platform is built on the foundation of safety, innovation, and collaboration. I am committed to advancing the safety profession through the following key initiatives: Enhancing Safety Education and Training: I will work to develop and promote comprehensive safety education programs that equip professionals with the latest knowledge and skills. By fostering continuous learning, we can ensure that safety practices evolve with emerging trends and technologies. Promoting a Culture of Safety: I believe in the power of a strong safety culture. I will advocate for policies and practices that prioritize employee well-being and proactive safety measures. A culture of safety not only protects workers but also enhances organizational performance. Innovating Safety Practices: Embracing innovation is crucial for the future of OSH. I will support the integration of cutting-edge technologies and data-driven approaches to predict and prevent workplace incidents. By staying at the forefront of safety advancements, we can create safer work environments. Mentoring and Developing Future Leaders: The growth of our profession depends on the development of future leaders. I am committed to mentoring and guiding the next generation of safety professionals, ensuring they have the tools and support needed to make significant contributions to the field. Collaborating on Standards and Regulations: Effective safety standards and regulations are the backbone of our profession. I will actively participate in the development and refinement of these guidelines, ensuring they reflect the latest research and best practices. Together, we can create a safer, healthier, and more innovative future for all workers. By focusing on education, culture, innovation, mentorship, and collaboration, we will drive meaningful change and elevate the OSH profession.


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