In This Section

Society Operating Guidelines

About ASSP

Our Society Operating Guidelines describe in detail the manner in which American Society of Safety Professionals is structured and governed. They are intended to accompany and be consistent with ASSP bylaws.

Section 8.4: Chapter Dues

I. Chapter Dues Increase/Decrease Reporting

The chapter dues rate will be on an annual basis whereby each member renewal will owe the set amount. The chapter president or chapter treasurer shall provide documentation of changes to the approved chapter dues for the next fiscal year to ASSP by March 1. The chapter officer making the report will receive a confirmation communication. If a confirmation is not received, the chapter dues change notice was not received.

The chapter dues amount will be set in the financial software system at ASSP once annually on March 1. If changes are not received by March 1, the chapter dues amount from the current fiscal year will be used for the next fiscal year that begins on April 1.

Due to invoicing timelines, increases in member renewal dues will go into effect approximately 90 days after received and processed by ASSP.

II. Society Headquarters Financial Processing Procedure

Members will pay chapter dues upon joining ASSP and annually on their membership renewal.

For the fiscal year beginning April 1 and ending March 31, the chapter will receive its monthly dues less any applicable region assessments or outstanding balances owed, including chapter web hosting fees. The funds will be transferred to the chapter treasury account on a monthly basis.

III. Treasury Accounts

Any changes to chapter treasury accounts must be reported by completing the bank information sheet to ensure timely processing of monthly dues..

Approved By Date: 1/2023
Replaces Edition Dated: 12/2019
Next Revision Due: 1/2026

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