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  • Vice president - Region III


Abby Holovach, M.S., CSP, CHMM, REM


Abby is an energetic, colorful EHS professional with diverse experience in state and federal environmental regulations, hazmat and waste management, emergency spill response, and EHS regulatory management and implementation. Her experience includes some very unique roles, including the Environmental Compliance Manager for Holt CAT, TCEQ Environmental Investigator, EHS & Waste Director at a hazmat spill response company, and Environmental Program Manager at a joint reserve military base. She is the founder/owner of Vibe Environmental, providing environmental compliance assistance, support, and trainings. In a volunteer capacity, Abby is currently the ASSP Region III North Area Director and RVP of Communications, as well as founder of DFW Environmental Pros, a free environmental networking group. Abby is passionate about supporting other fellow professionals in their personal and professional development journeys, and she hopes to inspire others in our industry, both now and in the future, that the world of EHS is limitless. She is optimistic that if we show enough people our own originality and enthusiasm for what we do, it will have a long-lasting, positive impact on the profession as a whole. Outside of work, she enjoys lattes, long naps, and the company of her critters & family.

Platform Statement

I have served in a variety of leadership positions since becoming a member of ASSP in 2019, including Southwest Chapter President, Vice President, Past President, VP of Communications, VP of Professional Development, Social Media Chair, and PDC Chair, as well as the Region III VP of Communications and North Area Director. I’ve led the Southwest Chapter to Platinum Status and received the Chapter Safety Professional of the Year Award in 2023. ASSP has helped shape who I am today as an EHS professional, which is why it’s important to me that I give back to our community through engagement and leadership. As a teammate and leader, my goal is to energize the team, encourage, develop, and support professional development, and constantly look for new ways to bolster continuous improvement within the organization that benefits all. If we can keep people excited, engaged, and interested, then success will be sustainable across the organization. My grit, passion, and zest for helping others will benefit and support Society as our strategic vision continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs of membership as a whole. Through genuine engagement of members, purposeful development of students and emerging professionals, and solicitation of meaningful feedback, it is my goal to further represent our membership and support our leaders to the best of my ability. Having seen and experienced the struggles and triumphs experienced at both the Chapter and Regional levels, I have a first-hand understanding of the new and developing challenges our leadership and membership face in the EHS profession and as an organization. With my diverse experience as an EHS professional and an ASSP leader, I would bring my unwavering enthusiasm, adaptability, creativity, and authenticity to the RVP position. But no matter what role I serve within ASSP, “I’m just happy to be here!”


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