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  • Construction Practice Specialty


Albert J. Hockaday Jr., CHST


Al Hockaday is a safety and health professional with over 25 years’ experience in aviation, mining, and a wide variety of construction disciplines. He holds a Construction Health and Safety Certification. He is very passionate about helping people and believes coaching and mentoring others will cultivate a positive safety culture where the team will improve their own personal safety and continually improve operational excellence of the organization. Al began his safety career in the Army as a helicopter special operations crew chief and technical inspector responsible for leading hangar and flightline safety for his organization. After leaving the military he returned to his hometown to attend Montana Tech in pursuit of a B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health. After earning his degree, he worked as an Industrial Hygienist in the mining industry and in the construction industry multiple roles from project safety to regional and corporate directorships. The organizations he worked for build projects in heavy civil, commercial, and industrial settings. Al held the concrete industry chair at the AGC of WA steering committee, served on several construction steering committees, member of Work Group 5 of the UCA of SME, and founding member of the Puget Sound Concrete Roundtable. His strongest knowledge and passion is in occupational health, fall protection, respiratory protection, effective leadership, mental health, training, confined space, concrete, ergonomics, keynote speaking, and team building

Platform Statement

My goal is to utilize my enthusiasm effectively deliver the knowledge, experience, and positive safety culture, that I have been fortunate to experience firsthand, throughout both my military and construction/mining careers. My opportunities have been of a wide variety of construction disciplines to include energy, transportation, electrical, dams/waterways, industrial plants, bridges, tunnels, data centers, and industrial food plants. Having had the opportunity to be mentored by great leaders, it is my belief that being committed to, leading, and participating in the professional development is truly beneficial for all teams within an organization and throughout the construction industry. My focus will be to find the means to promote workplace safety and health while networking with construction management and other safety professional colleagues to brainstorm solutions to industry safety and health issues, other needs for continual improvement and advocating for operational excellence for construction organizations at every level.


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