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Using Emerging Technology to Cultivate Hazard Recognition Culture

Mar 29, 2023

Sponsored by Grainger


Sponsored by Grainger. Everyone recognizes hazards differently, and some hazards may go completely unrecognized. These factors can lead to misinterpretation of risks and increase the likelihood of serious injuries and fatalities. How should an occupational safety and health professional account for variation in hazard recognition? Join us to gain practical guidance on recognizing hazards and discuss effective uses of emerging technologies such as virtual immersion and gamification to improve your training and enhance your organization’s safety culture.

What You Will Learn

  • Discuss how variation in hazard recognition creates risks.
  • Identify gaps in training and recognize how technology can fill those gaps and enhance training.
  • Review how effective hazard recognition programs are central to effective safety culture.
  • Identify effective socialization strategies for implementing new technology in the workplace.

Elle Field Co-Founder, trainPOINT Technologies
Elle Field is the co-founder of trainPOINT and is dedicated to creating world-class transitionalREALITY™training universes and powerful virtual reality simulators. The company’s proprietary technology builds critical skills, encourages confidence, promotes competency and saves lives. Field works with emerging professionals on their career paths and works with the ASSP Foundation in supporting more than $150,000 in scholarships. She received an ASSP President’s Award in 2019 for her dedication to advancing safety and technology in the workforce.

Matt Law, M.P.H., CSP, REHS Manager, Safety Strategy, Grainger
Matt Law_SMALLMatt Law develops comprehensive environmental health, safety and business solutions to mitigate risk to people, property and the environment. He holds a Master of Public Health from West Virginia University and serves as a U.S. Navy Reserve Environmental Health Officer. Law is the PR/Sponsorships Committee Chair for ASSP’s Central Florida Chapter; treasurer of the Alliance for Central Florida Safety; and a member of ASSP’s Emerging Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group and its Consultants and Training and Communications practice specialties. He has also been published in Professional Safety.


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