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American Society of Safety Professionals is your source for insights on trends in the safety profession, including developments in safety management, worker safety, government and regulatory affairs and standards.


  • house-appropriations_071217

    Report Calls on OSHA to Improve Guidance for Fatality and Severe Injury Reporting

    Oct 01, 2018
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    • OSHA/Law
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    A recent audit and report from the Office of the Inspector General calls for improvements in OSHA procedures to address underreporting of workplace-related serious injuries and fatalities.
  • Silica_Dust-512971072_Edited

    ASSP's Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty Publishes Silica Resource Guide

    Sep 25, 2018
    • Management PS
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    • Construction PS
    • Oil, Gas, Mining & Mineral Resources PS
    • OSHA/Law
    • Standards
    • Utilities PS
    • Public Sector PS
    • Industrial Hygiene PS
    • Industrial Hygiene
    ASSP's Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty has developed a resource guide for contractors that pulls together frequently asked questions about complying with OSHA’s silica standard.
  • group viewing data on laptop

    How ISO 45001 and Z10 Safety Management System Standards Fit With GRI Standard on Occupational Health and Safety

    Sep 24, 2018
    • Safety Management
    • Standards
    ASSP recently received clarification from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which indicates that voluntary consensus standards such as ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001 and ANSI/ASSP Z10 qualify under the reporting requirements for OSH management systems in GRI 403-2018.
  • Prescription Medication

    NIOSH Announces Plan to Combat Opioid Use in the Workplace

    Sep 21, 2018
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    • Health & Wellness
    • Construction
    NIOSH recently announced a framework that examines opioid use from an occupational safety and health perspective and provides employers with guidance and resources for addressing it.
  • © iStock/Bradley Mason

    ASSP Asks OSHA to Raise Awareness of Fall Protection Management Programs

    Sep 18, 2018
    • Government Affairs
    • Construction
    • Fall Protection
    • Standards
    ASSP is calling on OSHA to elevate the importance of fall protection management programs and advise employers to look to consensus standards such as ANSI/ASSP Z359 and ANSI/ASSP A10 for the latest industry practices.
  • Risk-GettyImages-535474757

    ASSP Webinar on Revised Standard Will Help Companies Manage Risk

    Sep 10, 2018
    • Risk Assessment & Management
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    • Press Release
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    ASSP will conduct a webinar Sept. 17 on ANSI/ASSP/ISO 31000-2018 Risk Management Guidelines, which was recently updated and adopted as a U.S. national standard. The 90-minute session will highlight the standard’s improved framework and explain how risk management can play a role in processes across any organization.
  • student in class

    ASSP Foundation Invites Students and Professionals to Apply for $370,000 in Aid

    Aug 30, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Education
    • Students
    • YP
    • Advocacy
    The ASSP Foundation will accept scholarship and grant applications from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1 for its annual disbursement of financial awards in 2019. More than $370,000 is available through nearly 100 awards to OSH students and professionals.
  • Presenter providing training to group of people

    Top Three Benefits of On-Site Training

    Aug 30, 2018
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    On-site training offers the opportunity to learn how you can improve your operation through occupational safety and health principles in a way that optimizes both your employees’ time and your organization’s safety performance.
  • Workers on a Construction Site at Sunset

    National Crisis: Opioid Abuse in the Construction Industry

    Aug 28, 2018
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    Opioid abuse has found its way into every industry, with devastating consequences. Given the demographics of its workforce and the physical nature of the work being done, the construction industry in particular has experienced firsthand the impact of opioid abuse.
  • worker outside walkie talkie

    CSHS Helps Propel New Global Protocol on Human Capital in Business

    Aug 28, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Health & Wellness
    • Global Safety
    • Advocacy
    The Center for Safety and Health Sustainability is helping to push forward a new global protocol that aims to improve the measurement and value of human capital in corporate decision making and government policy. The protocol is driven by the Social and Human Capital Coalition.
  • Data Gathering Chart

    Data Gathering: Setting the Foundation for Successful Risk Assessment

    Aug 27, 2018
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    • Leading & Lagging Indicators
    • Ergonomics & Human Factors
    • Accident Investigation & Prevention
    Risk assessment, like many processes, begins with gathering data. Data gathering allows safety professionals and others to develop an understanding of what hazards and risks exist within a facility and how they affect employee safety.
  • Prescription Opioids

    Study Finds Elevated Levels of Opioid Use in Massachusetts Construction Workers

    Aug 27, 2018
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    • Risk Assessment & Management
    • Health & Wellness
    • Ergonomics & Human Factors
    • Construction
    A recent study by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health found that a disproportionate number of opioid-related deaths in Massachusetts from 2011 to 2015 involved workers in the construction and extraction industries.
  • Marijuana in a grow house

    Five Things You Need in Your Marijuana Policy Now

    Aug 27, 2018
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    • Healthcare PS
    • Industrial Hygiene PS
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    • Military BR
    • Oil, Gas, Mining & Mineral Resources PS
    • Public Sector PS
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    • Transportation PS
    • Utilities PS
    • Training & Communication
    Twenty-seven states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, and it poses a significant challenge for companies. These five things are part of every effective workplace marijuana policy, and can help safety professionals navigate this evolving issue.
  • Job Interview

    Acing Your Interview: 5 Tips for Safety Professionals

    Aug 27, 2018
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    • Student Services
    • Risk Management/Insurance PS
    • Public Sector PS
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    • Oil, Gas, Mining & Mineral Resources PS
    • Military BR
    • Membership
    • Manufacturing PS
    • Management PS
    • International PS
    • Industrial Hygiene PS
    • HSP
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    • Fire Protection PS
    • Featured
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    • Environmental PS
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    • Professional Skills
    Preparing for a job interview can be daunting. Whether you’re an emerging safety professional or a seasoned leader, here are five tips to keep in mind.
  • Risk management image

    ASSP Publishes Risk Management Book and Sets Webinar

    Aug 24, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Textbooks
    • Risk Assessment & Management
    • Education
    A new risk management book published by ASSP is available on the Society’s website for occupational safety and health professionals looking to strengthen their operational risk management abilities. ASSP will conduct a corresponding webinar in September.
  • Employee training event

    Five Safety Training Pitfalls to Avoid

    Aug 22, 2018
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    • Professional Skills
    If, like most employers, you’re concerned that the safety training opportunities you offer aren’t helping your workers learn and grow, here are five common problems to identify and solve.  
  • Registration Opens for ASSP’s Immersive Safety Education Event

    Aug 20, 2018
    • Training & Communication
    • Press Release
    • Education
    Learning must be immersive, engaging and relevant to your job. That’s why ASSP’s annual Seminarfest is a leading source for education among workplace safety professionals everywhere. Registration is now open for Seminarfest 2019, set for Jan. 24-31 in Las Vegas.
  • Protective Trenching System

    Keeping Workers Safe During Trenching and Excavation

    Aug 14, 2018
    • Confined Spaces
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    • Hazards & Hazardous Materials
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    • Utilities PS
    • Training & Communications PS
    • Risk Management/Insurance PS
    • Public Sector PS
    • Management PS
    • Environmental PS
    • Engineering PS
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    • Construction PS
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    • Personal Protection Equipment
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    • Accident Investigation & Prevention
    Excavation and trenching are some of the most dangerous activities in construction, but the hazards are preventable. By taking the proper steps, contractors and workers can have confidence that they can conduct excavation and trenching operations safely.
  • Beryllium-181131230

    OSHA Extends Some Compliance Dates for Beryllium Standard

    Aug 09, 2018
    • Government Affairs
    • Advocacy
    OSHA is extending the compliance date for specific ancillary requirements of the general industry beryllium standard to Dec. 12, 2018. The extension maintain essential safety and health protections for workers, the agency states, while giving it time to work on a proposal that would clarify certain provisions of the standard and address employers’ compliance burdens.
  • ASSP Encourages Involvement in Safe + Sound Week

    Aug 08, 2018
    • Standards
    • Press Release
    • Membership
    • Advocacy
    ASSP is encouraging involvement in the second-annual Safe + Sound Week held Aug. 13-19. The nationwide campaign – spearheaded by OSHA and co-sponsored by ASSP – aims to build a stronger connection between safe workplaces and sound businesses.

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